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Whether you want to -

  1. Finally reveal your abs for the first time ever, without extreme dieting.
  2. Add lean muscle and gain strength, without getting fat using traditional ‘bulking’ strategies.
  3. Drop 10, 20, or even 50+ pounds and KEEP IT OFF.
  4. Finally end the yo-yo dieting cycle, develop a healthy relationship with food, and no longer feel guilty or embarrassed for falling off the wagon.
  5. Maintain a lean, strong physique, while increasing your calorie intake, so you can maximise your metabolism and performance.
  6. Or you simply want to look and feel your best, and don’t want to have to figure everything out yourself, or take the journey on your own.

I can help.

If that sounds like something you can get on board with, here’s what to do next:

Book a confidence call

There’s An Epidemic Out There, and Its Name Is Online Coaching

There are some amazing online coaches out there …

But there are also some jokers.

Time and time again, I've had people reaching out to me, saying how they’d paid hundreds (or even thousands) to an online coach, who’d promised them this incredible body transformation, only to find that they were given some copied and pasted plan.

Or, they were told they couldn’t eat meals out, had to skip family events like birthdays and Christmas, weren’t allowed any foods that weren’t considered “clean” … And even had to eat separately from their partner and kids.

See, many of these ‘coaches’ don’t do any coaching at all.

They treat everyone the same. Whether you want to lose 50 pounds, or simply maintain weight while getting a bit leaner and building some muscle, the easy thing for them to do is send over a few PDFs and templated training plans.

They often have so many people in their programmes, clients are left to their own devices, with nothing in the way of support, accountability, or personalisation.

And the trouble is, with so many online fitness personalities and ‘experts’ nowadays, it’s impossible to figure out who’s the real deal, and who just wants your cash …

Now, if this sounds bleak, I understand.

And this isn’t to say all online programmes are bad. Far from it. There are lots of programs that try their best with group or templated type approaches

However, when it comes to 1:1 online coaching, you need something more than that. Something that very few in the industry actually offer, and that’s …

A Customised Roadmap Designed to Get You Precisely Where You Want to Be.

Have you heard the phrase - “Jack of all trades, master of none?”

You'd be right

The beauty of working with me is that I specialise in helping people exactly like you get amazing results

For example, we’ve had clients come to use who wanted to:

  • Gain body confidence and feel amazing physically and mentally.
  • Lose Body fat while maintaining muscle.
  • Adding muscle and gaining strength to lift heavier in the gym.
  • Be able to fit a healthy active lifestyle into their already busy work/family life.
  • Lose weight to lead a longer and healthier lifestyle.

All these people had entirely different focuses.

Everyone has their own paths they want to follow, meaning they all needed a highly personalised approach …

They all needed a roadmap.

And that’s where the personal element comes in.

When a client first comes to us, I make sure I know exactly what they want to achieve.

It could be a goal similar to the outcomes listed above, or it could be something completely different. The important thing is, I let our clients tell me what they want to achieve, rather than forcing them into what I think they need.

Obviously it’s a collaborative process …

And if someone already lean came to me saying they wanted to lose 30 pounds, or someone with 15 years of training experience said they wanted to gain a stone of muscle while losing fat, we’d be open and honest, and say these might not be the most realistic goals.

But as much as possible, I let our clients tell me where they want to go, then I design the roadmap to get them there.

Not just that, but -

This Roadmap Gets Them There In The Fastest, Least Stressful Way Possible - While Providing Sustainable Results

Sustainability is at the core of everything I do.

After all, what good is looking great if you can’t maintain that?

Or if the only way to maintain it is with an hour of daily cardio, 5 or 6 weights sessions a week, and spending almost your entire day hungry?

Even if you can maintain that for a few weeks -- or even a few months -- at some point, everybody breaks, and then comes the inevitable binge, or post-diet rebound.

That’s not what I want.

In fact, I have 3 rules with how I coach our online clients:



Losing body fat does require eating fewer calories than you burn …

But that doesn’t mean you need to go hungry all the time.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when dieting, is slashing their calories low when they start.

While this might seem like the quickest way to get results, it simply isn’t.

See, when you drop your calories too low, several things happen.

Firstly, your energy levels drop through the floor. And while you may be able to grind it out and keep going with low energy, your body compensates for this by lowering its calorie burn.

You’ll move a little less, be less inclined to stay active, and so even though you’re eating a lot fewer calories, your calorie output goes down as well.

Secondly, you get hungrier a lot sooner, and are at a much higher risk of binging.

That’s why I keep calories as high as possible, for as long as possible with every client.

I can’t guarantee you’ll never be hungry, or a little tired. That’s just part and parcel of dieting.

But our goal is always to keep this to an absolute minimum, and ensure every person I work with feels full, satisfied and energetic, even if they’re shooting for their leanest condition ever.



Cardio can be a useful tool for accelerating fat loss.

But unless your main goal is based around some kind of endurance event, I try to keep it to a minimum.

See, the further into a diet you get, the more likely it is you might need to do some cardio.

Therefore, if you kick off by doing 30 minutes a day, by the time you're 8 weeks in, that might need to go up to an hour, or even 90 minutes a day to keep you progressing.

Whereas if you start at zero, when you hit a plateau, it might only be a case of needing to add in one or two half hour sessions each week, to keep that progress going.

We’re not anti-cardio, and if clients love doing it, I absolutely make sure it’s part of the plan.

But I always want you to enjoy your training, and for most people, that means a minimal approach to cardio.



The #1 reason people fail diets is because they get too difficult to follow. If you’re having to do things like -

Pre-cook every single meal for the week ahead.

Say no to invites out to restaurants because you’re not allowed to eat anything you’ve not cooked yourself.

Eat separately from the rest of your family, because your diet’s so strict.

Ban all alcohol and junk food, because that’s also off limits.

Have meals at very strict times, or eat every 2 or 3 hours -

It makes it so much harder to stay consistent, keep on-track, and ultimately achieve your goals.

With QuinnPriorTraining, I do not ask our clients to do anything that means they have to sacrifice their entire life for their results.

Again, there’s always some give and take.

Any goal worth achieving requires some level of sacrifice. I never

  • Ban clients from eating out.
  • Set strict meal schedules, or demand everything is cooked from scratch.
  • Eliminate alcohol or ‘junk’ foods.
  • Eat separately away from their family.
  • Or do anything that drastically compromises their work, business or lifestyle.

I work hard to ensure every person I work with -

Achieves their body transformation goals in the fastest, easiest way possible -- whether that means pure fat loss, recomping and building some muscle while staying lean, or getting their strongest physique yet -- in a way that’s 100% sustainable.

Is supported every single step of the way, with their very own coach who actually checks in with them regularly, answers their questions, and ensures they’re fully supported.

Has a fully customised plan that’s designed for them and only them.

Gets access to their perfect-fit coach, from our team of highly qualified, experienced coaches, all willing to go the extra mile.

And ultimately …

Achieves a head-turning, sustainable transformation, that helps them lose fat, get lean, build muscle, get fitter and stronger than ever, repair their relationship with food … Or get whatever their definition of a great result is.

Make a change today!


In fact, how about I introduce you to a few of my success stories?

Read our testimonials